The Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for the Assessment of Ten
p Poll on the Taxable Persons in Saint Pauls Parish in Queen Anns
and Talbot Countys &ca and the Paper bills thereof were Sent to the
Upper House by Mr Dashields and Mr Johnson who return and say
they Delivered the same.
The Bill Entituled an Act to Aid the Proceedings of Some of the
County Courts within this Province was read the first and Second
time by an Especial Order and Passed and Sent to the Upper House
by Mr George and Mr Edmundson Who return and say they deliv-
ered the Same
The Bill Entituled an Act to Encourage the Importation of Gold
and Silver into this province was read and with the Amendments
Proposed Passed for Ingrossing.
Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr
Speaker the Bill Entituled an Act against Ingrossers and Regrators
Indorsed thus.
By the Upper House of Assembly 30th July 1729
Read the first time and Ordered to Lye on the Table
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.