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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 428   View pdf image (33K)
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428 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.

L. H. J.

Justice in Testamentary Affairs &c or that the bill to which the
Amendments were proposed should be passed with the Amendments
Resolved that a New bill be Prepared.
Ordered that Mr Dulany Mr Jennings and Mr Beale do prepare
the said Bill.
The Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act to Confirm a Deed of Bar-
gain and Sale from Stephen Yoakley to Thomas Colmore.
The Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for the further Assessment
of forty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco on the Inhabitants of S'
Anns Parish in Ann arundell County towards Enlarging and re-
pairing the Church in the City of Annapolis &c. And the Ingrossed
bill Entituled an Act for Erecting a Town on the North Side of
Patapsco in Baltemore County &c. together with the Paper Bills
were Sent to the Upper House by Mr Dashields and Mr Hemsley
who return and Say they Delivered the Same.
Collo Rider from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker the
bill Entituled an Act for the Assessment of ten p poll on the Tax-
able Persons in Saint Pauls parish in Queen Anns and Talbot
Countys the next Levy &c. with the following Indorsment Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly 28th July 1729

Read the first time and ordered to Lye on the Table

Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

p. 85

And thus Indorsed Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly 31st July 1729
Read a Second time and will Pass.
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

Which said Bill was read here and Passed for Ingrossing.
The Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act for the Assessment of so
much Tobacco on the Inhabitants of Allhallows Parish in Ann
Arundell County as will build them a New Parish Church was read
and Assented to by this House and Sent to the Upper House with
the Paper bill thereof by Mr Wharfeild and Mr Worthington who

return and say they Delivered the Same.

Collo Herman from the Committee of Elections & Priviledges
Delivered to Mr Speaker the following Report Viz.

By the Committee of Elections & Priviledges 31st July 1729.

We of the Committee having Examined the Indentures of Coll0
William Ennalls a Delegate returned to Serve this Sessions for
Dorchester County do find him duly Elected.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 428   View pdf image (33K)
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