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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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426 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.

L. H. J.

against Philemon Lloyd Esqr or not the same was Carried in the
Resolved that the Committee be Empowered to Send for all
Papers Records and Persons Necessary to give a Light into the
The whole House Resolved it Self into a Grand Committee
Mr Speaker Left the Chair.
Whereupon the Committee Proceeded to Choose a Chairman and
unanimously make Choice of James Harris Esqr as Chairman who
took his Place in Pursuance thereof.
The Committee Proceeded to Choose a Clerk and Appoint Mr
Michael Macnemara.
Mr Speaker reassumed the Chair
James Harris Esqr from the Committee of the Whole House
Delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report Viz.

p. 79

By the Committee of the Whole House July 30th 1729

It Appears to this Committee that Philemon Lloyd Esqr hath taken
upon him, upon Petition and Entry of Caveats to hear and Deter-
mine Several Controversys in the Land Office Concerning the
Granting of Patents for Land Claimed by Several of the Inhabitants
of this Province and that when a Person hath obtained a Warrant
out of the Land Office Paid his Lordship the Right Honble the Lord
Proprietarys Dues and all other fees and Dues that have Arose due
in the Land Office for Issueing Warrants if any Person think fit to
Enter a Caveat in the Land Office against Granting a Patent, that a
Patent is Stay'd by such Caveat untill the Parties are heard before
the said Philemon Lloyd Esqr unless the same is withdrawn or the
Party Entering the same Neglects upon Summons or Notice to
Appear thereto.
It Appears that the Lord Proprietary during his residence in this
Province Exercised the Power of Granting Lands in the Same Man-
ner as Mr Lloyd Appears to us to have done
It also Appears to this Committee that Several Persons Viz.
Collo Henry Darnall Collo Wm Diggs Majr Nicholas Sewall and
Mr John Darnall were in the Year 1684 Appointed by Commission
of the Lord Proprietary to hear and Determine Concerning Land
Affairs, And they by Virtue thereof Exercised a Power of Granting
or Denying Patents on Petitions It Also Appears to this Committee
that Collo Darnall was Appointed as Agent for his Lordship in his
Land Affairs About the years 1687 and 1688.
It also Appears to the Committee that Charles Carroll Esqr De-
ceased was Appointed his Lordships Agent in Land Affairs about
the Years 1710 or 1711.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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