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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 416   View pdf image (33K)
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416 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.

L. H. J.

John Rousby Esqr from the Upper House Delivered to Mr
Speaker the paper Bill Entituled an Act reviving and Continuing an
Act Entituled an Act ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco
Hogsheads &c. Thus Indorsed Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly 23d July 1729

The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the originall is read and As-
sented to.
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

The Paper Bill Entituled an Act for the Laying out of Land and
Erecting a Town at the head of Port Tobacco Creek in Charles
County Indorsed thus.

By the Upper House of Assembly 25th July 1729

The Ingrossed bill whereof this is the Originall is read & Assented
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

p. 54

And the following Message Viz. [The text of this message is
printed at page 335.]
Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz. [The text of this message is
printed at page 335.]
Phillip Lee Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker
the Petition of Richard Bennett Esqr of Queen Anns County In-
dorsed thus.

By the Upper House of Assembly 25th July 1729

The within Petition is read and referr'd to the Consideration of
the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

The Petition of Richard Bennett Esqr was read here and granted
The Bill Entituled an Act for Emproving the Staple of Tobacco
&c. was read the Second time and Passed
The House Adjourns untill to Morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.

July 26

Saturday July the 26th 1729

The House met According to Adjournment. The Members were
Called and all Present as Yesterday except Capt Blackistone
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read over

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 416   View pdf image (33K)
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