of Annapolis Provided there be room Left for to make Convenient
Pews for the Governour and Council below Stairs, if they are In-
clinable to Leave the Gallery, one Pew for the Speaker, and five
Large Pews for the rest of the Gentlemen of the Lower House of
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker the
Bill Entituled an Act for raising a Duty of Three pence p hogs-
head on all Tobacco Exported out of this Province for the Uses
therein Mentioned thus Indorsed Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly 21st July 1729.
Read the first time and Ordered to Lie on the Table.
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
And thus Indorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper House of Assembly 22d July 1729.
Read a Second time and will Pass with the following Amendments,
That the Continuance of the said Act be for three Years
Signed p Order. Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
The house adjourned untill 2 of the clock in the afternoon.