Sent to the Lower house by John Hall Esqr
Read the second time the Bill Impowering the Vestrymen and
Church Wardens of St Paul's Parish in Baltemore County to pur-
chase Land in the said Parish to build a Church upon.
Ordered to be thus Endors'd Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly October 27th 1727
Read the second time and will Pass
Signed p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent to the Lower house by Coll Math Tilghman Ward.
Two Engrosed Bills from the Lower house by Mr Crabb and
Mr Mathews Viz.
An Act Directing the Payment of Fees ariseing due on the
Prosecution of white Servants which shall hereafter be imported
into this Province.
An Act Impowering certain Commissioners to Vend and dis-
pose of the Lands whereof Samuell Groom the younger died seized
or was Mortgagee in fee or otherwise within this province as also
to sell and Dispose of so much of the said Lands as will Satisfye
Betty Gale and Levin Gale Executrs of the Testament of Levin
Denwood late of Somersett County deced the sume of £825...5...7
Sterl due from the said Samuell Groome the younger to the said
Levin Denwood and yet unsatisfyed to the said Betty Gale and
Levin Gale, his Executors thus Subscribed Viz.
October the 27th 1727
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly and
Signd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.