past into a Law remove in a great measure the fears and Appre-
hensions the People are under least their right to the benefit of the
English Law which we insist is undoubtedly Inherent in His
Majesty's Subjects in this Province should be weakened or rendred
in any Degree Precarious or Doubtfull by any Delay of the Govern-
ours assent and that such assent would be the greatest Encour-
agement Imaginable to this House to proceed with the utmost
Chearfullness in dispatching all Publick Business we request your
Honours will please to Concurr with us in applying to his Honour
the Governour to give his assent to the said Bill
Sign'd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
To which message the following answere was prepared and sent
by John Hall Esqr Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly Octor the 25th 1725
In answer to your message this day by Coll Leivin Gale and
twelve more of the members of your house desireing us for the
reasons therein menconed to Joyn with you in an Address to His
Excellency the Governour to know his pleasure touching his assent
to the bill assertaining the Oath of a Judge or Justice We are of
opinion that haveing given our assent to the said Bill (not be [ing]
aprized or doubtfull of His Excellencys Dissent thereto) we have
we think allready Complyed with our Duty therein and therefore
not think it necessary or reasonable to Joyn with your House in
the said Address
Signd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Read the Petition of Richard Bennett Esqr and Mr Samuell
Chamberlain of Talbot. County Praying leave to bring in a Bill to
charge the Real Estate of Robert Ungle Esqr with the Payment
of his just Debts
Order'd that the said Petition be thus Endors'd Viz.
By the uper house of Assembly October the 25th 1727
Read and recommended to the Consideracon of the Lower house
of Assembly
Sign'd p order Geo: Plater Cl. Up. Ho.