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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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344 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.

U. H. J.

Protestants should be secured from being educated in the Romish
Religion, so it is therein provided that Children whose fathers were-
of the Communion of the Church of England, should be instructed
in the Doctrine and Principles of that Church, which We conceive
to be sufficient.
The fifth Amendment proposed by your Honours Viz. To apply
the fine to the support of Government & not to defray the County
Charge. This house cannot agree to, because the Government is
handsomely & liberally supported at the Expence of the Country,
upon all Extraordinary as well as Ordinary Occasions. That the
Taxes which the People we represent, pay, are greater than any
other of Our fellow Subjects upon the Continent (who live in
Peace) are burthened with; And that it is not improbable that if
the fines were to be appropriated to the support of Government,
they would be generally remitted to the Offending Officer, which
cannot be done, when they are to be applyed as in the bill, and
therefore such Application will best answer the design of the Legis-
lature in imposing the fine, which Reasons (tis conceiv'd) will reach
all the Amendments Your Honours have proposed concerning the
Application of the fines to the Support of Government.
The Seventh Amendment your Honours propose This House
cannot agree to because We conceive the Bill is much better as it
is, than it would be, with the Alterations your Honours desire, &
that the allowing Eight p Cent to Executors & Admrs upon the
whole Account of all deceased Person's Estates, would be injurious
to their Creditors & Representatives & in it self manifestly unjust
The Eighth Amendment you propose We cannot agree to be-
cause an Estate of the Value of Twenty pounds Current money
(which may happen to be all that a Widow & several small and
helpless Children may have to support them) is too inconsiderable
to allow of any deduction for Commissary Generals fees

The Ninth Amendment this house agrees to & hath amended the
bill accordingly

p. 41

The Eleventh Amendment proposed by your Honours Viz. To
restrain the Deputy Commissary from passing any Account exceed-
ing fifty pounds Currt money We cannot agree to, because a great
many infirm as well as poor People who live in the remote parts of
the Province cannot possibly come to Annapolis to pass their Ac-
counts, which is known to have very often been the Case, 'tis true
Commissions have always issued in such Cases to the Deputy Com-
missarys, or some other Persons (not more Skilful) to pass the
Account of such Executors or Administrators, which Commissions
(altho they increased the Commissarys fees) yet never could (as
We conceive) improve the Understanding of the Deputy Commis-
sary or make him more expert in Business or more Capable to pass
an Account than he would be if he was Empowered by Act of As-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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