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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 342   View pdf image (33K)
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342 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.

U. H. J.

Read a second Time the Bill Entituled an Act Empowering the
Justices of the several Countys within this Province to levy any
Quantity of Tobacco not exceeding Ten p Poll on Application to
them made by the Vestry and Church wardens of any Parish, Or-
dered to be thus Endorsed

By the Upper house of Assembly 29th July 1729

Read a second Time and will pass with the following Amend-
ments viz. The Word, The, at the End of the seventh Line to be
left out, and an Allowance of five p Cent without Deduction to the
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho.

Sent to the Lower house by Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Adjourned till two of the Clock in the Afternoon

p. 38

Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
A Bill from the Lower house by Mr Harris Mr Beale and Mr
Worthington Entituled an Act to make and emit twenty four thou-
sand pounds Current money of Maryland in Bills of Credit & for
easing the Inhabitants of this Province in the Payment of Debts &
to raise a fund to sink the sd bills of Credit thus Endorsed

By the Lower house of Assembly 25th July 1729
Read the first Time & Ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p Order M: Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

By the Lower house of Assembly 29th July 1729
Read a second time & will pass
Signed p Order M: Macnemara Cl Lo. Ho.

A Message from the Lower house with the Testamentary bill by
Mr Crabb & five Others

By the Lower house of Assembly 29th July 1729
May it please Your Honours
This house hath taken into Consideration the Amendments pro-
posed by your Honours, to the Bill for the better Administration
of Justice in Testamentary Affairs &c, and cannot agree to the first
of the sd Amendments Viz. to leave out, which Persons so to be
appointed shall hold & enjoy their respective Offices so long as they
shall well behave themselves therein; because the Office of Deputy
Commissary (tho' not considerable as to the Profits of it) relates
to the Administration of Justice that the faithful and just Execu-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 342   View pdf image (33K)
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