Read in this house and ordered to lye on the Table.
An Engros'd Bill from the Lower house by Capt King and Mr
Johnson Entituled.
An Act reviveing an Act Entituled an Act for the Tryall of all
matters of fact in the Severall County's where they have arrisen
or shall arrise the Continuance of Causes in the Provinciall Court
and adjournment of that Court with the Supplementary Act thereto
and to amend some Defects in the said acts thus Subscribed Viz.
October the 24th 1727
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly and
Sign'd p order M Jenefer Cl Lo. Ho.
Read and assented to by this house and order'd to be so sub-
The Paper bill so Endors'd is sent to the Lower house by Nich
Lowe Esqr
A Bill from the Lower house by Capt. Waughop and Mr Magru-
der thus Endors'd Viz.
By the Lower house of Assembly October the 24th 1727
Read the first and second time by Especiall order and will Pass
Signd p order M. Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Read in this house and ordered to lye on the Table.
Read the second time the Bill for Destroying Wolves Crows and
Ordered that the said Bill be thus Endors'd and the following
message sent therewith Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly October the 24th 1727
Read the second time and (with the alteracons proposed in the
message herewith sent) this Bill will Pass.
Sign'd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
By the uper house of Assembly, October the 24th 1727
Upon perusual of the Bill for destroying Squirrells we are of
opinion it will not answer the Design thereof in regard we Con-
ceive Sundry Persons will rather submitt to the fine then destroy
them to be exempted there from. We therefore offer to your Con-
sideracon that an Encouragement of two pounds of Tobacco p head
be allowed by the severall Countys for all Squirrells and Crows
that shall be killed by any Inhabitants thereof after the 25th day of
March next.
Sign'd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.