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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 331

for your Concurrence, did very justly alarm Us, & gave but too
just Cause of Suspicion, as it was intimated in our Message of the
19th Instant, (nothing appearing to the Contrary) that something
more than mere Accident or Inadvertency had given Occasion to so
extraordinary a Procedure
If thus alarmed, & One great Privilege of this House so mani-
festly struck at, (nothing We say appearing to the Contrary) it
cannot be thought strange, that We should have suspected our Bill
had been designedly suppressed or concealed in your House. If
you thought this to have been a harsh Censure, We answer, that it
was very unparliamentary, to send Us another Bill of your own
drawing, instead of Amendments to our Bill sent down to you.
And altho you are pleased to say in your Message by Major Han-
son & Coll Ennals, that upon the reading of Our Bill in your House,
it appeared to be defective, & the Amendment thereof impracticable,
as it appears to be by the Bill sent up to Us, which however We are
well assured, was made so in your house; for mutilated & interlined
as it is, it was so done, & sent up to Us from your House, without
any Endorsement either that it would pass, or had been rejected by
you, which Practice upon Bills sent from either House, We take to
be altogether unparliamentary & without Precedent
For which Reasons, We think Ourselves abundantly justifyed in
Our Conduct; & that Our Good Temper shewn upon such an Occa-
sion, whereon We have just Cause of Complaint, ought to be taken
as an evident Proof of Our Inclinations to Cultivate a good Under-
standing with your House, which We take as the most effectual
means of promoting the publick Good
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up. Ho.

U. H. J.

A Bill from the Lower House by Mr Matthews & Mr Scott Enti-
tuled An Act for Erecting a Town on the North Side of Potapsco
River in Baltemore County &c thus Endorsed

By the Lower house of Assembly 23d July 1729
Read the first & second Time by an Especial Order, & will pass
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Read the first Time in this house & Ordered to lye on the Table
Read the Report of the Commrs for regulating & dividing the
Parishes in St Marys & Charles Counties & Ordered to be thus
By the Upper house of Assembly 23d July 1729

On reading the within Report We observe the Bounds of some
of the Parishes seem to be uncertainly described, however being

p. 27

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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