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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 321   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 321

Paragraph giving the Judges a discretionary Power of punishing,
be omitted: And that the Judgment for the Crimes mentioned in the
said Act, be, To have the Right Hand cut off, the Offender hanged
in the usual manner, the head severed from the Body, the Body
divided into four Quarters, and the head and Quarters set up in the
most publick Place of the County where the Fact was committed,
And that a Clause be inserted, to allow the Owner of any Slave that
shall be executed for any Crime or Crimes .whatsoever, the whole
Value of the sd Slave, instead of Three fourths allowed by a former
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho.

Sent to the Lower house by Coll M. T. Ward
A Message from the Lower house by Major Hanson and Mr

By the Lower house of Assembly 18th July 1729
May it please Your Honours

U. H. J.

The very low State of the Tobacco trade, makes it the Duty of
Every Man in Maryland, to consider of the most probable means he
can think of, to raise the Price of it, since We have very little else
to depend on to supply us with common Necessaries, besides the
Produce of that Commodity. This Consideration has put us as well
upon examining the late Tobacco Law, correcting some things in it,
that We conceive to be amiss, and making some other Provision to
render it more effectual; as also upon considering the Advantages
which would probably result from concerting Measures with Our
Neighbours of Virginia (who depend upon the Produce of Tobacco
as well as We do) to raise the Price of Our Staple. And this House
being unanimously of Opinion, that a friendly Correspondence with
Virginia, to the Ends already mention'd would be very advantageous
to both Countries: We desire Your Honours will appoint some of
your Members to confer with some Members of this House, con-
cerning the best Method of carrying on such a Correspondence
Signed p Order M: Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Whereunto the following Answer being prepared is sent to the
Lower House by Coll Tilghman

By the Upper house of Assembly 18th July 1729
In Answer to your Message this Afternoon by Major Hanson and
Mr Hamilton This House hath appointed Philemon Lloyd, John
Rousby & Philip Lee Esqrs to meet any of the Members your House
shall appoint, in a Conference to consider of the means of carrying


p. 16

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 321   View pdf image (33K)
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