Acts. 305
of Five per Cent: And the said Tobacco, when so collected, shall
be paid to the said Vestry, and Church- Wardens, who are hereby
authorized and required to apply the same for the Inlargement and
Reparation of the said Church, and building- of the Chappel afore-
Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, That it shall not be lawful for the Vestry-Men, and Church-
Wardens of the Parish aforesaid, to apply to the Justices of the
County aforesaid, for the Assessing and levying the Tobacco afore-
said; nor for the Justices aforesaid, to cause the said Tobacco to be
assessed and levied on the Parishioners aforesaid, untill the Consent
of the major Part of the said Parishioners shall be known thereto,
by a Certificate for that Purpose, under their Hands: Any Thing
in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
An Act for the Payment and Assessment of the Publick Charge of
this Province, for this present Year One Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Twenty Eight.
Whereas there hath been the Sum of Four Hundred and Sixty
Six Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixty One Pounds of Tobacco,
and Four Hundred and Twenty Five Pounds, and Six Pence, cur-
rent money of Maryland, and One Hundred and Fifty Pounds
Sterling in Money, laid out and expended for the Publick Charge
of this Province, to the Second Day of November, in the Year of
our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight: To
the Intent the same may be satisfied and paid to whom the same is
due, as by the Journals of the Levy, and Lists of Payment thereto
annexed appears,
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That the said Sum of Four Hundred and Twenty Five
Pounds, and Six Pence, current Money, and One Hundred and
Fifty Pounds Sterling aforesaid, be Satisfied and paid to whom the
same is due, out of the Publick Stock of Money lodged in the Treas-
urers Hands of this Province; and that the Tobacco now raised,
and to be lodged in the Hands of the several Sheriffs of this Prov-
ince, be applied; and a Levy, or equal Assessment, of Seventeen
Pounds of Tobacco per Poll, be by Virtue of this Act, levied and
assessed upon the Bodies and Estate of the Taxable Inhabitants of
this Province, and paid to the several Persons to whom it is due,
according to the Journal of Accounts, and Disbursements for the
necessary Charges of this Province, which have been examined,
and now stated and allowed of by this Present General Assembly.
XXVII is a
private act ;
text not