October 10-October 30, 1727.
Maryland sst
At the General Assembly of the Province of Maryland begun
and held at the City of Annapolis the sixth Day of October Anno
Domini 1725 in the Eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord George and in the tenth year of his Lordships the Lord Pro-
prietary's Dominion &ca And from thence Continued by Severall
Prorogations and adjournments to the Tenth day of October 1727
in the first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
Second in the thirteenth year of his Lordships Dominion &ca being
the fourth Sessions of this Present Generall Assembly.
His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Governour
U. H. J.
p. 1
No. 728
[A copy is
found in
Liber P
U. H. J. No.
October 10
The Honble
Colo William Holland
John Hall Esqr
Colo Richd Tilghman
Colo Matt Tilghman
John Rousby Esqr
Benjamin Tasker
Nicholas Lowe Esqr
Charles Calvert Esqr
of the
Colo James Maxwell and Coll John Mackall from the Lower
House acquaint his Excellency the Governour that there are a
sufficient number of Members met to Proceed upon business, but
that by the Death of Robert Ungle Esqr they had no Speaker.
Coll Mathew Tilghman Ward and Benjamin Tasker Esqrs were
sent down to the Lower house to Administer the Oaths appointed
to be taken to His present Majesty King George the second to the
Severall Members of that House and Ordered that the Clerk of
this House attend them.
They return and say that they Administred the said Oaths to the
severall members then Present being in number forty one and that
they all severally Subscribed the Oath of Abjuracon and Test.
John Rousby and Nicholas Lowe Esqrs are Sent down by his
Excellency the Governour to acquaint the Lower House that His
Excellency requires their Attendance in the Council Room Imme-