298 Assembly Proceedings, October 3-November 2, 1728.
Hams, Capt. John Hicks, and Mr John Leigh, of St. Mary's County,
Gent, And Col. John Fendall, Mr John Courts, Capt. George Dent,
Mr Randolph Morris, Mr Henry Holland Hawkins, Mr John King,
and Doctor Gustavus Brown, of Charles County, Gentlemen, be by
Virtue of this Act appointed Commissioners, to Regulate and Divide
the several Parishes, within the said Counties; which said Commis-
sioners, or the major Part of them, are hereby required, on the First
Tuesday in July next ensuing, to meet at Bird's Creek Bridges; and
p. 19
at such Meeting, they are hereby authorized and impowered to pro-
ceed to the Regulating the several Parishes in the said Counties,
after such Manner as to them, or the major Part of them, shall seem
most to the Ease and Convenience of the Inhabitants of each respec-
tive Parish; which said Parishes, so by the said Commissioners, or
the major Part of them, to be divided, shall be by the said Commis-
sioners ascertain'd, either by Natural Boundaries, Artificial Courses,
or otherwise; and a full and fair Account of their Proceedings, and
the Boundaries, Sign'd by the said Commissioners, or the major
Part of them, shall be by the said Commissioners, return'd to the
next General Assembly, for their Inspection and Approbation.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if
any of the Persons herein before-named Commissioners, shall fail
or refuse to be present at the Time and Place herein prefix'd not
being hindrecl by Sickness, or other unavoidable Accident, or being
present shall refuse to proceed to the Executing the Power herein
before given them, shall forfeit and pay One Thousand Pounds of
Tobacco; to be recovered in the County-court, and applied to the
Use of the County where such Person shall reside, by Action of
Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information; wherein no Essoyn, Protection,
or Wager of Law shall be allowed.
An Act to prevent the Abuses of concealing convicted Felons, and
other Offenders, imported into this Province, and for the better
Discovery of them.
Whereas by the Statute of the Fourth Year of the Reign of his
late Majesty King George the First, (of glorious Memory) entitled,
An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other
Felonies, and for the more effectual Transportation of Felons, and
unlawful Exporters of Wool; and for to declare the Law in some
Points relating to Pirates, it is Enacted and Provided, " That where
" any Person or Persons should be convicted of Offences (within
" the Benefit of Clergy) and liable to be Whipt, or Burnt in the
" Hand, or ordered to any Work-house; or that should be Con-
" vict of Grand or Petit Larceny, or any Felonious Stealing, or
" taking of Money, Goods, or Chattels, either from the Person, or
" the House of any Person, or any other Manner, and who, by the
" Law, should be entitled to the Benefit of Clergy, and liable only