296 Assembly Proceedings, October 3-November 2, 1728.
the Right of the said Lord Proprietary, his Heirs and Successors,
and of all Bodies Politick and Corporate.
Provided nevertheless, That in case the said John Powel, John
Nowel, Samuel Stevens, Mary Gordon, Thomas Price, Thomas
Hill, James Ward, Richard Edwards, Nathaniel Wright, Chris-
topher Bonfield, Clarina Gilly, Kennith Mackensy, Peter Bromfield,
and Abel Van Burkelo, or either of them, shall at any Time after
the making such his or their Oath or Oaths, or taking such Affirma-
tion as aforesaid be convict of wilful and corrupt Perjury there-
upon, or of a wilful Breach or Noncompliance with the Tenour of
such Oath or Affirmation as aforesaid; That then the said John
Powel, John Nowel, Samuel Stevens, Mary Gordon, Thomas Price,
Thomas Hill, James Ward, Richard Edwards, Nathaniel Wright,
Christopher Bonfield, Clarina Gilly, Kennith Mackensy, Peter
Bromfield, and Abel Van Burkelo, or such of them as shall be con-
vict as aforesaid, shall, upon such Conviction, be adjudged to stand
Two Hours in the Pillory, and have his or her Left Ear Cut off,
and shall be wholly deprived of any Benefit design'd him, them, or
p. 29
either of them, by this Law; and shall be from thenceforth liable to
be prosecuted for any Debts or Demands whatsoever, in the same
manner as if this Act had never been made; any Thing therein con-
tained to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Provided likewise, and be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That notwithstanding the Discharge of the
Persons of the Prisoners aforesaid, upon taking the Oath aforesaid,
all and every Judgment now had and taken, or that shall hereafter
be obtained, had and taken, against any the aforementioned Pris-
oners, by any of their Creditors, for any Debt or Debts owing and
remaining due from any of them to such their Creditors, after such
Surrender and Distribution made as aforesaid, shall be and stand
good and effectual, in Law, to all Intents and Purposes, against the
Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels, that
the said several Prisoners so discharged as aforesaid, shall hereafter
acquire, and come to the Possession of, and in their own Right
only. And it shall and may be lawful to and for the Creditors of
the said several Prisoners so discharged as aforesaid, their Execu-
tors, Administrators, or Assigns, to take out any new Execution,
against the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels
of the Prisoner or Prisoners aforesaid, (except his or their Wear-
ing Apparel, Bedding for his or their Family, and Tools necessary
for his or their Trade or Occupation, and what may be necessary
for their Subsistance, not exceeding the Value of Five Pounds cur-
rent Money,) for the Satisfaction of the Remainder of his or their
said Debt, in such Sort, Manner and Form, as he or they might
have done, if the Person or Persons of the said several Prisoners so