as aforesaid; shall take his or their Solemn Oath or Oaths, (or
Affirmation if a Quaker) before the said Two Justices of the respec-
tive Counties aforesaid, to be summoned as aforesaid, to the Effect
following, viz.
" I A. B. Do solemnly Swear, that the Goods, Debts, and Effects,
" which I have delivered, assign'd, and made over to the Sheriff of
" County, and in Trust for the Use of my Creditors; is
" the whole Estate, both Real and Personal, of my own in Posses-
" sion, or have any Title to in the World. And that I have not any
" Estate, Goods, or Effects, of any Kind whatsoever left, either in
" Possession, Reversion, or Remainder; (The necessary Wearing
" Apparel for my self, Wife, and Children excepted. ) And that I
" have not, directly or indirectly, Sold, Leased, or otherwise Con-
" veyed, Disposed of, or Intrusted, all or any Part of my Estate,
" thereby to secure the same, to receive or expect any Profit or Ad-
" vantage thereof." So help me God.
It shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs of the respective Coun-
ties aforesaid, after the End of the said Twenty Days, and the said
Sheriffs are hereby required to discharge the said John Powel, John
Nowel, Samuel Stevens, Mary Gordon, Thomas Price, Thomas
Hill, James Ward, Richard Edwards, Nathaniel Wright, Chris-
topher Bonfield, Clarina Gilly, Kennith Mackensy, Peter Bromfield,
and Abel Van Burkelo, out of their Custody, and to suffer them to
go at large.
And be it further Enacted, That upon the said John Powel,
Samuel Stevens, Mary Gordon, Thomas Price, Thomas Hill, James
Ward, Richard Edwards, Nathaniel Wright, Christopher Bonfield,
Clarina Gilly, Kennith Mackensy, Peter Bromfield, and Abel Van
Burkelo, their complying with what is required of them by this Act,
that they the said John Powell, John Nowell, Samuel Stevens, Mary
Gordon, Thomas Price, Thomas Hill, James Ward, Richard Ed-
wards, Nathaniel Wright, Christopher Bonfield, Clarina Gilly, Ken-
nith Mackensy, Peter Bromfield, and Abel Van Burkelo, and either
of them, their, and either of their Heirs, Executors, or Administra-
tors, shall be, by Virtue of this Act, acquitted, exonerated, released
and discharged of and from all manner of Debts, Duties, Claims,
and Demands whatsoever, that have been severally contracted by
them, or have arose due, or become Demandable from them at any
Time before the Sitting of this present General Assembly: And
that in case the said John Powel, John Nowel, Samuel Stevens,
Mary Gordon, Thomas Price, Thomas Hill, James Ward, Richard
Edwards, Nathaniel Wright, Christopher Bonfield, Clarina Gilly,
Kennith Mackensy, Peter Bromfield, and Abel Van Burkelo, or
either of them, shall, after their Compliance and Discharge as afore-
said, be arrested, or sued for any such their Debts or Duties as fore-
said; or that the said Sheriffs should be sued for any Matter or