286 Assembly Proceedings, October 3-November 2, 1728.
more Counties including therein the Plantations of John Ryon, and
John Barber; shall be taken from the several Parishes aforesaid,
and be erected into a new Parish, and called by the Name of Queen
Caroline; And shall from and after the Time aforesaid, by Virtue
of this Act, be deemed, adjudged, reputed and taken for Queen
Caroline Parish, and not as Part or Parcel of St. Paul's, All-Hal-
low's, and St. Anne's Parishes aforesaid: And that the Boundaries
aforesaid, shall always be deemed, taken and reputed, as the un-
doubted Boundaries to divide Queen Caroline Parish aforesaid,
from the other Parishes aforesaid, And that the Inhabitants of the
said Queen Caroline Parish, shall have and enjoy all Benefits and
Priviledges, Power and Authorities, in every Respect equal with any
Inhabitants of any other Parish within this Province, heretofore
had or hereafter may have.
And further, giving to the several Freeholders of Queen Caroline
Parish aforesaid, at a certain Day to be appointed by them, full and
ample Power, to elect and make Choice of the Number of six select
Vestry-Men, at least, and Two Church- Wardens: And also to finish
the Church already built in Queen Caroline Parish aforesaid, which
shall be reputed, taken and deemed, as the Parish Church for that
Parish; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary not-
Chap. XVI
p. 25
An Act for the laying out of Land, and erecting a Town in St.
Mary's County, at a Place formerly called Seymour Town.
Whereas it appears to this present General Assembly, That there
is Land adjoyning to the Place where the Court-House of St. Mary's
County stands, very convenient for the Laying out of a Town, and
that the same will be very Advantagious to the Inhabitants of the
said County,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and
the Authority of the same, That Col. Thomas Truman Greenfield,
Capt. Thomas Waughop, Mr Philip Key, Mr John Young, Mr Jus-
tinian Jordan, Mr Richard Thomson, and Capt. George Clark, or
any Five of them, shall be and are hereby appointed Commissioners
for St. Mary's County aforesaid, and are hereby authorized and
impowered, as well to agree for the Buying and Purchasing of Fifty
Acres of Land, at the Place aforesaid as for the Surveying and
Laying the same out in the most convenient Manner that may be,
into Eighty equal Lotts, erected into a Town.
And be it further Enacted That the Commissioners herein before
nominated and appointed, or the major Part of them, are hereby
impowered, some time before the last Day of April next, to meet
together at the County Court-House aforesaid, or some other con-