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And for the Ease of the People, in paying and discharging all
Publick and County Levies, Parochial and other Charges, assessed
and levied on the People, and Lawyers Fees, payable in Tobacco,
during the Continuance and Effect of this Act, and of all Tobacco
Debts that shall be due and owing on the Tenth Day of August, next
ensuing, for any Debt contracted before the End of this Session :
Be it Enacted That all Persons being indebted as aforesaid, for
Publick and County Levies, Parochial and all other Charges assessed
and levied on the People, (except accidental Charges to be allowed
during the Continuance and Effect of this Act, wherein Care may
and ought to be taken at the same time the Allowance shall be made)
and Lawyers Fees, may pay the Whole, or any Part thereof, at Ten
Shillings Current Money per Cent; and so in Proportion, at or
before the Tenth Day of April, Yearly, during the Continuance of
this Act; or Three Fourth Parts thereof, in Tobacco in Specie, in
full Discharge and Satisfaction of the Whole, at the Choice of the
Debtor ;
And that all Persons being indebted in Tobacco, to any of the
Inhabitants of this Province, at or upon the Tenth Day of August
next ensuing, for any Debt contracted before the End of this Ses-
sion of Assembly, and which shall not be payable 'till some Time
afterward; it shall and may be lawful for the Debtors, in all such
Cases, during the Continuance of this Act, to pay Three Fourths of
such Tobacco, in Lieu of the Whole.
And be it Enacted, That the several Sheriffs, shall and may, by
Virtue of this Act, have until the last Day of June, Yearly, during
the Continuance and Effect of this Act, to return the several Lists
of Officers and Lawyers Fees, and other Publick and County Allow-
ances, and other Tobacco Demands; and to make their Accounts
thereof: And that the several Sheriffs returning the said Lists, and
making up the said Accounts, at or before the last Day of June,
Yearly, as aforesaid, shall be deem'd as full a Compliance with their
Duty, in that Particular, as if the said Returns had been made, and
Accounts made up, by the Tenth Day of May; any Law, Usage, or
Custom to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That all Persons, paying Money, in
Discharge of Tobacco, or Three Fourths of their Tobacco-Debts in
Specie, as aforesaid, shall be fully exonerated and acquitted from
the Whole, by Virtue of this Act.
And be it likewise Enacted, That all Debtors, tendering Money,
or Three Fourths in Tobacco, according to the Directions of this