Acts. 267
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That every labouring Taxable Person, and
Overseer, within this Province, have Liberty to tend Seven Thou-
sand Plants of Tobacco, and no more, (except as is hereafter ex-
cepted;) and that all Male or Female labouring Persons, above
Twelve, and under Sixteen Years of Age, have Liberty to tend Three
Thousand Five Hundred Plants of Tobacco, and no more, upon any
Plantation or Plantations, in any one Year, during the Continuance
of this Act.
Provided always, That all Male Persons, being Housekeepers and
Planters, and not having any Taxable Servant or Slave, and all
Widows, and all Femes Sole, having Land, and being Housekeepers,
and not having more than one Taxable Person, shall have Liberty
to tend for themselves Ten Thousand Plants of Tobacco; for every
Male or Female labouring Person, between Twelve and Sixteen
Years of Age, to them belonging, the Liberty of tending on his or
her Plantation, Five Thousand Plants of Tobacco, and no more;
and for every white Woman, belonging to such Housekeepers Five
Thousand Plants, and no more; and that no such Housekeeper have
any Allowance for more than Two white Women.
And for the better explaining what Sort of labouring Taxables
and others, are intended by this Act, to be restrained from making
Be it enacted, and declared, That no Master of a Family, keeping
an Overseer, and having Six Taxable Servants or Slaves, that work
in Tobacco, or any Master of a Family, keeping no Overseer, having
Six Taxable Servants or Slaves, that work in Tobacco, or any Ser-
vant or Slave, being a Tradesman, who shall at any Time between
the First Day of April and the First Day of September, work at his
or their Trade or Trades, upon the Plantation or Plantations of his
or their Master or Mistress, or shall at any Time or Times whatso-
ever, work at such Trade or Trades, upon the Plantation or Planta-
tions, of any other Person or Persons, or any Servant or Slave, who
shall at any Time between the First Day of April, and the First Day
of September, be imployed as Coachman, Groom, Waitingman,
Cook, Dairy-maid, or in any other Domestick Office, or Service, in,
or about the Dwelling House of his or her Master or Mistress, and
white Women, (except as before excepted) shall be allowed to plant
any Tobacco.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Vestry of every Parish within this Province, shall every Year, dur-
ing the Continuance of this Act, upon the Fifteenth Day of May,
Yearly, (if the same be not Sunday, and if it shall so happen, then
on the next Day after,) lay out their respective Parishes into Pre-
cincts, and appoint Two Persons in each Precinct, to examine and
enquire of the Names, and Number of the Persons hereby allowed
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