Sent to the Upper House by Mr Walter Smith of Leonards Creek
and Mr Robins who return and say they delivered the same.
Ordered that the Committee appointed to lay the Publick Levy
allow the Secretarys fees Provided he Charges them according to
the reduction in 1725.
Nicholas Lowe Esqr from the Upper House delivers to Mr
Speaker the Bill entituled an Act for the Payment & Assessment
of the Publick Charge of this Province for this Present year 1728
thus Indorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr 2d 1728
Read the first and second time by an Especiall Order and will
Signed p Order Geo: Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Which was read here and passed for ingrossing.
Collo Ward from the Upper house delivers to Mr Speaker the
Paper bill entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers fees thus in-
dorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr 2d 1728
The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Originall is read and As-
sented to by this house.
Signed p Order. Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho :
And the Paper bill entituled an Act for ascertaining the form of
Oath of Judge or Justice thus indorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper house of Assembly Novr 2d 1728
The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Originall is read and as-
sented to by this house.
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.