The Ingrossed Bill entituled an Act for the emproving the Staple
of Tobacco was read and Assented to by this house and Sent to the
Upper house by Mr George & three more Gentlemen.
John Hall Esqr from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker the
Paper bill entituled an Act to appropriate Part of the Land laid out
in the City of Annapolis for the Building a Custom house on to and
for the building a Market house thus indorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper house of Assembly Novr 2d 1728.
The ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Originall is read & Assented
to by this House.
Signed p Order. Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
And the Paper Bill entituled an Act for emproving the Staple of
Tobacco thus Indorsed (Viz.)
By the Upper house of Assembly Novr 2d 1728.
The Ingrossed bill whereof this is the Originall is read and As-
sented to by this House.
Signed p Order. Geo. Plater Cl. Up: Ho :