Sent to the Upper house by James Hollyday Esqr and Mr John-
son who return and say they delivered the same.
The Ingrossed Bill entituled an Act for the releif of Edward
Parrish of Ann Arundell County was read and Assented to by this
house and sent to the Upper house by Mr Worthington who returns
and says he delivered the same
The House give Liberty to Collo Young to dispose of the Bills
belonging to the County Schools which he now hath at 30£ p Cent
at least.
Collo Belt from the Committee of Aggreivances and Courts of
Justice delivers to Mr Speaker the following Reports (viz)
By the Committee of Aggreivances Octobr 31st 1728
Its humbly offered to this Committee as an Aggreivance that
when sherriffs Bonds are Prosecuted and Judgments thereon ren-
dered for the Penalty, that it should be at the Election of the Per-
sons at whose Prayer the said Bonds were sued to sue out Execu-