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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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246 Assembly Proceedings, October 3-November 2, 1728.

L. H. J.

Critchard and William Kidd two of the builders of the said Court
house thus Indorsed (Viz.)

By the Upper house of Assembly October 30th 1728

The Ingrossed bill whereof this is the Originall is read and As-
sented to by this house
Signed p Order Geo: Plater Cl: Up: ho :

p. 130

And the Paper bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act for
the Establishment of religious worship in this Province thus In-
dorsed (viz.)

By the Upper house of Assembly October 30th 1728

The Ingrossed bill whereof this is the Originall is read and As-
sented to by this House.
Signed p Order. Geo: Plater Cl. Up. Ho :

The Ingrossed bill entituled an Act for the releif of Francis Gar-
terill of Ann Arundell County read and Assented to by this house
was Sent to the Upper house by Mr Kennard and Mr Edmundson
who return and say they delivered the same
The ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for dividing of Saint Pauls
Parish in Queen Anns and Part of Talbot County read and Assented
to by this house was sent to the Upper house by Mr Hemsley and
Mr Thompson who return and say they delivered the same.
Mr Samuel Hanson from the Committee of Laws delivers to Mr
Speaker a bill entituled an Act for the better Administration of
Justice in Testamentary Affairs granting Administrations re-
covery of Legacies securing filial Portions and Distribution of
Intestates Estates, and for repealing the Severall laws therein men-
John Beale Esqr from the Committee of Accounts delivers to Mr
Speaker the Journall of Accounts for this Year.
John Hall Esqr delivers to Mr Speaker the Paper Bill entitled an
Act for dividing of St Paul's Parish in Queen Anns and Part of
Talbot County thus indorsed (viz.)

p. 131

By the Upper house of Assembly October 30th 1728

The Ingrossed bill whereof this is the Originall is read and As-
sented to by this house.

Signed p Order Geo: Plater Cl. Up: Ho :

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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