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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 241

and desire to know if he is at Leisure to receive the same, who re-
turn and say they Acquainted the Governor of their Message and
that he would be ready to receive the Address in half an hour.
John Hall Esqr from the Upper House deliver to Mr Speaker the
Bill entituled an Act for dividing of Saint Pauls Parish in Queen
Anns and part of Talbot County thus Indorsed (viz.)

By the Upper House of Assembly October 28th 1728.
Read the first time and Ordered to Lie on the Table.
Signed p Order. Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho :

And (thus)

L. H. J.

By the Upper House of Assembly October 29th 1728.
Read the second time and will Pass.
Signed p Order. Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho :

The Address to the Governor contained in the following Words

To the Honourable Benedict Leonard Calvert Esqr Governour of
the Province of Maryland.
The Humble Address of the House of Delegates
May it Please your Honour.
We desire your Honour to receive in this manner our hearty and
Sincere thanks for the favour of communicating to us a Copy of a
Scandalous insolent and Seditious Paper dated the 20th Instant
and we Cannot but Acknowledge the great Satisfaction which we
have in the Sense your Honour is Pleased to express (in your Let-
ter of the 28th Instant) with which we are honoured of such dan-
gerous and daring Designs.
The Love of English Liberty is too Prevalent in our Breasts to
suffer us to be Silent on this occasion; small hopes the People of
Maryland may entertain of the Representatives in Assembly con-
vened if awe and fears instead of freedom and Constancy must take
Place in their Debates and Votes but we can with Pleasure give an
Assurance of this our Resolution, to discountenance and destroy to
the utmost of our Power every Appearance of a Restraint on our
Words and Actions in whatever shape it may shew itself Prejudi-
ciall and Destructive to the Rights and Priviledges inseperable from
our Legislative Capacity.

p. 121

Upon these Motives we hope Your Honour will be Pleased to
Order such other Papers and intelligences to be laid before us as
may have been Produced to Your Honour in order to detect the
Authors of such Designs as are contained in that Scandalous Paper.

p. 122

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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