the time being of them and Proceed to Execute the Law notwith-
standing the said Letters that you shall hold your Courts according
to the Acts of Assembly and the Directions in your Commission
that you shall do and Procure the Profit of the Lord Proprietary in
all things where you may Lawfully & reasonably do the same and
that you shall not debar or hinder the Prosecution of Justice nor
take any Guift Bribe or Fee for delaying or Rendring of Judgment
but shall behave your Self justly honestly and faithfully to the best
of your Knowledg and understanding so long as you shall Con-
tinue in the said Office. So Help you God.
The House, Unanimously agree on the following Rules Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly, October 3th 1728
Rules and Orders of the Lower House of Assembly to be Ob-
served by the Members and others in the said House.
1st That no Burgess Deputy or Delegated Member of this House
shall Use any reviling Speeches or Name any Member by his Proper
Name otherwise than for Distinction sake but shall rather use some
other Signification Viz. The Gentleman that Spoke last or the