A Burthen & Charge to great and insupportable for the Inhabitants
to bear after the Abatemt is made which is designed by the Tobacco
Bill from the Labours of the Inhabitants unless A moderate and
Reasonable Price in Common with the other Creditors of Tobacco
debts should be paid for the same and after that rate the said Quan-
tity of 1097320 pounds of Tobacco when divided amongst all the
Clergy of this province will be about 30000 Pounds of Tobacco
Clear of all Charges and deductions to each of them one with an-
other and that sold at the rate proposed by the Bill will be about
150 Pounds current money of this province If their Revenue should
be paid in Tobacco with the deduction of a fourth they will have
the Advantage of the Market of Tobacco with the other Inhabi-
We cannot but flatter ourselves that your Excellency will Con-
tinue in this particular your Tenderness to this Country & discoun-
tenance & discourage the endeavours of any persons in any man-
ner & in any Place to destroy what is thought to be so Absolutely
necessary for the preservation and well Being of Maryland
Subscribed by all the Members of both Houses
Ordered that John Hall Philip Lee Nicholas Lowe & Charles
Calvert Esqr attended by the members appointed by the Lower
House wait upon his Excellency and present the same
Read the second time the Bill for Ascertaining the form of the
Oath of Judge or Justice.
On Motion made the Question being put whether the said Bill
Pass as the Oath stands therein.
Resolved in the Affirmative. Whereupon it is Ordered to be
thus endors'd viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 2d 1728
Read the second time & will pass.
Signed p Order Geo Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent to the Lower House so Endors'd by Colo Mathew Tilgh-
man Ward