By the Upper House of Assembly October the 16. 1727
This House being willing to show their Readiness in drawing
an Address to our most Gracious Sovereign King George the second
upon his Accession to the throne of his Ancestors have appointed
the Honble Phillip Lee and Charles Calvert Esqr members of this
house to Joyn such of the members of your House as shall be by
You nominated in a Committee for that Purpose
Signed p Order Geo Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent by Phillip Lee and Charles Calvert Esqr
Read the Bill a Second time for naturalizeing Francis Rudolph
Bodien wch is ordered to be thus Endors't viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly October the 16th 1727
Read the second time (the children already born being particu-
larly named and the word Lordships instead of Majestys in the
ninth line being Incerted) and with these alterations will pass.
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent down by John Hall Esqr
A Message from the Lower House by Collo Thomas Trueman
Greenfield and James Harris Esqr viz.
By the Lower house of Assembly October the 16th 1727
May it please your Honrs
We Concurr with your Honours in your messuage this Day by
Phillip Lee Esqr in Joyning some of the members of this House with
the members appointed by your House in drawing an Address to
our most Gracious Sovereign King George the second and have