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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 143

very proper for the preservation of them all which we humbly Sub-
mit to the Consideration of this Honourable House.
Sign'd p Order John Gibson Clk Com.

Which Report was read and Ordered that the List so annexed
be lodged in the Council Office
The Representation of his Excellency to both Houses is ordered
to be entered viz.

U. H. J.

To the Upper House of Assembly and to the Speaker and the rest
of the Members of the Lower House of Assembly.
On Saturday last I had transmitted to me a scandalous & sedi-
tious Paper found Posted on a Gentlemans Gate in Prince Georges
County & had further Information that divers papers of the like
Seditious Contents had been dispersed in many parts of the Coun-

As the whole Legislature is pointed at in the Scandalous Reflec-
tions & Insolent threats in the said Paper contained I have thought
fit to communicate a Copy of it to you not doubting but that you
will Resent in a becoming manner such Audacious Attempts on the
safety and freedom of Legislation the Honour of the Government
and the Quiet of his Majesty s loyal Subjects his Lordships good
Tenants of Maryland.
Benedict Leonard Calvert

Which said paper is as follows viz.

Countrymen and Friends
Tis past doubt that the present State of the Country might with
facility be remedied (that is) by suing for a Tobacco Law tis mis-
erably known how much tis wanting were honesty used as it is
pretended now a sincere and hearty attachment to our selves and
posterity cant be better demonstrated than by pushing Vigorously
while the Gap is open therefore as an Expedient (my honest Coun-
trymen) let us meet at Queen Ann Town on Monday the 28th In-
stant to assert our Rights armed in a Suitable manner to our good
and Honourable Pretensions we desire it may be Published

20 October 1728

Upon which the following message is prepared and sent to the
Lower House by John Rousby Esqr viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly October the 28th 1728
The Copy of A seditious paper herewith sent you and by his

p. 370

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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