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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 129   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 129

augmented it is to be feared unless some speedy means be found out
to raise the present Markets the Officers will have all the Tobacco
that shall be made and the planter and his Wife and Children may
go naked As to his Lordships [rejecting] the regulation of 1725 we
begg leave to Observe that it was upon the partial Representation
of some Officers & that we cannot entertain a thought so injurious

U. H. J.

(if in our opinion) to his Lordships Humanity and Honour as to
suspect that his Lordship would Support a few Officers upon the
ruins of the people of Maryland nor can we doubt when things are
truly represented to his Lordship but that he will shew that Regard
to the Welfare of the Province which his Lordship has frequently
declared he has. To the third having given an Answer to the
chief part of it under the second head we shall only add that if
we should be unhappily disappointed of the Compassionate regard
we hope the Lord Proprietary has to the general Interest and
Welfare of the Country and that the People have no Remedy
which God forbid the Inhabitants of Maryland are under most
deplorable Circumstances. To the fourth it is very certain that
if a Tobacco Law should be made that it is but contingent whether
it would raise the Price of Tobacco But this is certain that let that
happen how it will if such a Law as is Proposed should pass the
people cannot by the most probable Conjecture we can make (and
if we know not how to be Exact) exceed two thirds of the prest
crop and if the event should not answer our hopes (viz) the Ad-
vancement of the Price of Tobacco We entreat your Honours to
Consider what a miserable Condition People must be reduced to
who can hardly supply themselves with necessaries by the produce
of what is left them when they are at full Liberty to make what
they can if their Crops should be reduced to two thirds of what
they now make they be Obliged to pay the same Levies and other
Dues and fees they are now obliged to pay and have nothing left
to support themselves and Familys but what would remain to them
after such payments and whether it is not agreable to natural Jus-
tice that Officers who are to be supported by the Labour and Indus-
try of the People should not make an Abatement of their Income
proportionable to what the people are Obliged to make in hopes of
A General good and run the same Hazard with their Supporters as
to the event, Thus we have given such Answers to your Reasons
as we hope will prevail with your Honours to Concur with us and
we will most willingly agree to a Second Conference if your Hon-
ours desire it or any other expedient that mat be attended with

the least probability of Advantage to the People we represent.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl. lo. Ho.

An Engross'd Bill from the Lower House by Mr Dashiel Enti-

p. 360

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 129   View pdf image (33K)
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