Conference propos'd who are ready to enter thereon ime-
Sign'd p Order M: Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho :
Which was sent to the Upper house by the Gentlemen ap-
pointed. They return and say they delivered it.
Mr Tyler from the Comittee for Courts of Justice returns
the following report viz :
By the Comittee for Courts of Justice
October the 8th 1724.
We find the form of the Oath now taken by the Several
Justices of the provinciall Court to be as follows viz :
Comissioners Oath of the Provincial Court
You shall swear that as a Comissioner and Justice of the
peace in the Provincial Court of the Province of Maryland in
all Articles in his Lordships Comission to you directed you
shall do equal Right to the poor as well as to the Rich to the
best of your Cunning Skill and Knowledge, and according to
the presidents and Customs of this province and Acts of As-
sembly in such Case made and that you hold your Sessions
or Courts as you are directed in your Comission or according
to Acts of Assembly in that behalf e provided and all ffines and
Amercements that shall happen to be made and all forfeitures
which shall fall before you, you shall cause to be entered with-
out any Concealment, and Certifie the same to his Lord-
ships Receiver of this Province. You shall not debarr or
hinder the prosecution of Justice nor take any Gift Bribe or
ffee for the delaying of Judgment but shall behave yourself