580 Topical
Councillors' Allowances.
Messages concerning (1724), 14, 20,
32, 110, 117, 130; ( 1725), 251, 255, 260,
264, 279, 382, 387, 390, 392, 396, 402 ;
address of Lower House to Proprie-
tary, 419; Proprietary's reply, 496, 537 ;
demands renewed, 521, 563; rejected
by Lower House, 522, 563.
Current Money.
Sale of sterling bills; rate of ex-
change, 216, 327.
Drought (Failure of Crops).
Bill to prohibit exportation of corn,
etc., 13, 107, 109; Lower House asks
immediate approval, 53, 152; bill signed
by Governor, 56, 155.
Charles Carroll challenges a member
of the Lower House, 557.
English Statutes.
Argument of the Proprietary, 196,
296; instructions of Lower House to
Committee on Courts of Justice, 308,
309; address of Lower House to Gov-
ernor, 359; letter of Governor, 380 ;
address of Lower House to the Pro-
prietary, 412; Proprietary assents to
preservation of established law, 496,
Engrossed Bills.
Lower House demands custody of
them, 223, 340; reply of Upper House,
224, 341; messages thereon (U. H. J.),
227, 231, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244;
(L. H. J.), 342, 347, 352, 354, 356, 362,
363, 374.
Forged Deeds.
Suspected, 36, 37, 137, 138; bill for
protection against, 38, 138; Lower
House asks immediate approval, 53,
152; bill signed, 56, 155; supplemen-
tary bill, 452, 481.
George I, King.
Lower House inquires as to delivery
of address, 216, 328; reply of Upper
House, 217, 330; proposal for com-
mittee to prepare new address, 250,
252, 259, 260, 381, 383, 384, 391, 392;
resolution of Lower House, 320.
Indian Lands.
Petition of Nicholas Sewal, 16; con-
ference on claims of Rider and Nichols,
210, 211, 317, 323; report of committee,
266, 364; Lower House does not con-
cur, 376; messages, 277, 398, 401; bill
declaring rights of John Rider, 502,
516, 543, 558.
Judges' Oath.
Messages (U. H. J.), 9, 15, 24, 26,
42, 69, 75, 82; (L. H. J.) , 99, 111, 122,
127, 140, 170, 173, 175, 176, 183, 184;
correspondence between Governor and
Attorney General, 64, 73, 82; report
of Committee for Courts of Justice,
97, 120; form of oath proposed by
Attorney General, 104, 108; address
of Lower House to the Governor, 359,
378; reply of Governor, 377, 380; bill
prescribing form of oath, 388, 399, 404.
Officers' Fees.
Lower House proposes reduction to
one-half, 23, 108, 120; reply of Upper
House, 25, 124; rejoinder of Lower
House, 28, 127; reviving Act advised,
34, 134; messages, 59, 61, 63, 160, 161 ;
Upper House complains of mode of
amending bills; messages, 67, 68, 72,
76, 78, 80, 166, 168, 169, 177, 178, 179,
181; Lower House asks conference
(1725), 219, 332; conferees appointed,
220, 333, 336; report of conference,
225, 344; messages, 230, 254, 259, 262,
264, 276, 346, 351, 385, 388, 391, 394,
396, 397. 398; reviving Act again de-
bated, 442, 443, 444, 450, 473, 474, 475,
477, 480; bill passed, 453, 482.
Resolution for printing resolves,
etc., relating to constitution of Mary-
land, 99; printed copies presented, 102 ;
Thomas Bordley undertakes to have
charter and debates upon government
and judicature of the province printed,
149; copies presented, 303; encourage-
ment offered for setting up press, 289,
406, 408, 409; proposals, 439, 440, 470,
471; report of committee, 451, 475;
messages, 455, 483, 484; resolution of
Lower House, 484; delay in printing,
536; order to print certain proceedings,