Agent in England.
Lower House seeks allowance for
agent to represent that body, 281, 403 ;
reply of Upper House, 286, 409.
Anne Arundel County, Justices of.
Petition of, against charges attrib-
uted to Thomas Bordley, 334; petition
resented and censured, 335.
Attorneys' Fees.
Regulation of, recommended, 226 ;
discussed, 233, 351; bill to restrain ill
practices, 255, 258, 386; passed, 278,
399; speech of Governor, 433, 462;
conference on bill, 438, 439, 466, 467 ;
supplementary bill, 443, 447, 478; pro-
test against preamble, 445; other pro-
tests, 449, 474; passed, 453, 482.
Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th Lord.
Speaker reports address of Lower
House delivered, 92; speech at open-
ing of Session (1725), 196, 296; veto
of Act of 1723 to restrict importation
of convict labor, 212, 325; address of
Upper House, 281; speech referred in
Lower House to Committee of Laws,
308; address of Lower House, 412 ;
answer to addresses, 496, 537; address
of Upper House, 523.
Bordley, Thomas.
Proposes establishment of printing
press, 289, 406, 408, 409; edits publi-
cation of charter, debates on judica-
ture, etc., 303; accused by Anne Arun-
del County justices, 334; complains of
being accused of prolonging the Ses-
sion, 465; exonerated, 465.
Calvert, Charles, Governor.
Speech opening Session (1724), 3,
90; address of Upper House, 5; reply,
6; address of Lower House, 94; letter
to Lower House, 151; speech at open-
ing Session (1725), 199, 300; address
of the Upper House, 206; reply, 207;
letter with communication from the
Proprietary, 208; letter accompanying
veto of Act restricting importation of
convict labor, 212, 324; address of
Lower House, 306; reply, 308; further
address of Lower House, 359; his
reply, 377; rejoinder of Lower House,
378; reply thereto, 380; speech opening
Session (1725/6), 433, 462; address of
Upper House, 437; reply, 437; address
of Lower House, 466; reply, 469 ;
speech opening Session (1726), 491,
530; speech, 497, 538; address of
Upper House, 497; reply, 498; address
of Lower House, 532; reply, 535; mes-
sage to the Lower House, 533; its reply,
Church and Clergy.
Representation of certain clergymen,
31, 130; messages, 39, 65, 139, 163,
164; resolutions of Lower House, 109,
Circuit Courts.
Amendatory bill, 23; debate, 29, 35,
49. 53, 54, 129, 135, 147, 151, 154;
passed, 58, 156, 157; resolution of
Lower House, 108.
Committees of Lower House.
Appointments (1725), 305; instruc-
tions to Committee on Courts of Jus-
tice, 308, 309; report of that committee,
338; report of Committee on Aggriev-
ances, 313; Commissaries General ex-
onerated from charges, 322; investiga-
tion of deputy postponed, 326; report
on Public Records, 441.
Convicts, Imported (see also Servants).
Veto of Act of 1723 restricting im-
portation, 212, 325; speech of Gov-
ernor, 212, 324; address to the King
proposed, 252, 259, 383, 392; action of
corporation of Annapolis approved by
Lower House, 329; penalty proposed
for attempting escape, 505, 547; action
postponed, 520, 562.