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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 516   View pdf image (33K)
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516 Assembly Proceedings, July 12-25, 1726.

U. H. J.

Read the Bill declaring the right of John Rider Gentleman
which is Ordered to be thus Endors'd viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly July the 22d 1726

This Bill being Read will not pass for the reasons alledged
in the Message herewith sent
Signed p Order Geo Plater Cl. Up Ho.

Which Bill and Message was sent down by Philip Lee Esqr
and is as follows viz.

p. 38

By the Upper House of Assembly July the 22d 1726
On reading the Bill sent from your House for repealing all
that part of An Act of Assembly Entituled An Act for quiet-
ing the Possessions of the Indians on Nanticoke and Choptank
Rivers which relates to the lands of Mr John Rider and on
Considering that part of the said Act intended to be repealed
by the said bill we cannot find that the Originall Tytle of the
said Jno Rider is any ways Injured by that Act nor that it does
in a particular manner Injure or Debarr the said John Rider
more than any other persons who have Lands Comprehended
within the Bounds of that Indian Town nor that it does in any
respect Affect the Title of the said John Rider otherwise than
by hindring him or any other person from Entring upon the
Present possession of those Indians and giveing them Dis-
turbance therein which restraint we think Absolutely neces-
sary to be laid upon all persons in Order to quiet the minds
of those Indians and preserve the peace of this province and
to Convince your House of the necessity of such Restraint
we take leave to remind you of the frequent Complaints here-
tofore made by them of the Encroachments of the English
to the great Charge of this Province which occasioned the
makeing of that Law, and as a fresh Instance of such En-
croachments (where provision has not yet been made to
hinder it) we herewith send you a petition and Complaint of
the Pocomoke and Somerset County Indians which we hope
will Induce you to join in our Sentiments of the Case & not

p. 39

Insist upon passing that Bill.
Signed p order Geo Plater Cl Up Ho.

This House Adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 516   View pdf image (33K)
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