such an Irregular Adjournment with a provision for Take-
ing the Oath Appointed by Act of Assembly Last Sessions
at some further day than was Limited therein.
Sign'd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Which being read, ordered that the Comittee of Laws
prepare a Generall Bill pursuant to that Message.
Colo Addison from the Uper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill to restrain the Evill practices of Attorneys &c. Thus
Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly March the 22d 1725
Read and will pass with the Amendments propos'd
Signd p Order Geo: Plater Cl. Up. House.
And delivers the follo Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
March 22a 1725
Upon Reading the Bill by Colo Greenfield and five others
Entitul'd An Act to restrain the ill practices of Attor-
neys &c. We Recomend the following Alteracons and
amendements viz. in the Attorneys Oath Instead of these
words (you shall Encrease no flees) In the Third Page
Line the Tenth, these words (you shall not wittingly or will-
ingly Encrease or receive Any ffees) To be added; these words
(or a Provinciall Justice) to be added in the fourth page, at