be Appointed and have the Character of publick printer To
the province.
Philip Lee Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly March the 21st 1725/6
In Answer to Your Message by Mr Courts and Mr Wright
we are Concern'd to find your Refusall signified not to con-
sent to the passing the Bill framed last Sessions for Regu-
lating and Lowering Officers ffees with the Amendments
propos'd by this House in regard we conceive it to be a very
great Evill to a Country the leaving a Matter of so great
moment without any Limitation or bounds set to the severall
offices, And in order to Shew Our good Inclinations to come
into any Measures in our power that May tend to the Ease
and Satisfaction of the Good People of this Province, this
House hath so farr conceeded as to approve and allow of that
part of the Report of the Comittee (of both Houses Ap-
pointed last Sessions of Assembly) Touching Dty Comis-
sarys haveing full power to pass accompts where no disputes
arise without the parties paying any ffee to the Comissarys
Generall for a Speciall Comission for the same with which
Concession it being the greatest we can make we hope that
Bill will pass Your house
Signd Order Geo: Plater Clk. Upr Ho.
With which this house Concurrs and Ordered the Comittee
of Laws frame the Bill Accordingly.
The heads of a Tobacco Bill Brot in by the Comittee of
Laws were. Read of and ordered the Comittee. of Laws pre-
pare a bill according thereto.
A Bill to Regulate Officers ffees was Read the first &
Second Times by Especiall order and past which was so
Endorst and sent to the Upper House by Capt King and
Capt Gale
They Return and say they deliver'd it
Forasmuch as it is Represented to this House And for that
it appears from the observation of the Publick that the Sev-
erall Counties within this province as well as the publick are
burthened with Excessive Charges by paying Criminall Ser-
vants ffees, for prevention whereof the Question was put
whether a Bill shall be brought in or not. Resolved nemine
Contradicente that a bill be brought in Accordingly.
The House adjourns till to morrow Morning nine a Clock.