By the Lower House of Assembly March the 23d 1725
Read the second time and will pass.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.
Read in the Upper House and Ordered to lye on the Table.
Read the Supplementary Bill to the Act for secureing the
rights and Inheritances of sundry the Inhabitants within this
province which was ordered to be thus Endorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly March the 23d 1725/6
We are of opinion that Vandruck Riddlesdon ought to have
Liberty at any time within Eighteen months to appear by
himself or his Attorney and make appear the validity of his
Deeds and that a Clause be added directing Notice to be given
of the passing of it by an Advertisement in the printed News
Papers of Philadelphia, within three months after the End
of this Sessions with which Amendments this Bill will pass.
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl Up Ho.
Which Bill so endorst was sent to the Lower House by
John Rousby Esqr