Colo Thomas Addison and Coll Richard Tilghman appointed
on a Comittee to treat with the Printer make report thereof as
follows viz.
To the Honble the Upper House
Proposalls humbly Offered by William Parks
Ist He the said William Parks doth propose to print a
Body of such publick Provinciall Laws as hereafter shall be
made at each Sessions of Assembly for every Member of the
Assembly each Comissioner of the peace for the time being
and for each County Court of the province to be Delivered
fairly printed & Stitch'd at any one place where he shall be
directed your Excellency and Honours allowing him for each
Sessions of Assembly Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco
for each County every Session of Assembly.
2d That as to the Journalls Vdtes Speeches and other
debates and Resolves that may happen in each Session of
Assembly the Uncertainty of their Number is so great that he
cant fix any Value for printing the whole but humbly Con-
ceives the fairest way for your Excellency and Honours as
well as for the proposer is that a certain price be limitted at
so much a Sheet then there can be no hardship on either side
3dly That as to the body of the Laws hitherto made in this
Province they are so Voluminous, and the charge of Printing
them will be so great that I am Suspitious least the Burden
should be thought by the Country too great at once therefore
if your Excellency and Honours agree to the above pro-
posalls and shall use proper means to Establish me for a cer-
tain number of Years; that I may think myself settled
amongst you in regard to the Country which perhaps I may
live and dye in (if so Established here) I will undertake to