At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, in the County of Ann- Arundel, for the Province
of Maryland, on Tuesday the 5th Day of October, and ended
Saturday the 6th Day of November, in the 11th Year of the
Dominion of the Right Honourable Charles, absolute Lord
and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon,
Lord Baron of Baltimore, &c. Annoq; Domini 1725, were
Enacted the following Laws.
An Act declaring Female Mulattoes born of White Women,
and Free Negro Women, to be Taxables.
Forasmuch as Female Mulattoes born of White Women,
and Free Negro Women are not mentioned in the Act ascer-
taining what Persons are Taxables within this Province,
II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of this
present General Assembly, and the Authority of the same,
That all Female Mulattoes born of White Women, and Free
Negro Women, of the Age of Sixteen Years shall hereafter
be accounted Taxable Persons, and shall be subject and liable
to all the Forfeitures and Penalties other Taxables are sub-
jected to by the Laws heretofore made concerning them; any
Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwith-
Chap. IV
An Act to prevent several Irregularities complained of by the
People called Quakers.
Whereas it is humbly represented to this present General
Assembly, by the People called Quakers, That sundry Persons
set up Booths, and sell Drinks and other Things, near their
Yearly Meeting-houses within this Province, whereby those
Places which were by them intended and used as Places of
solemn Worship, are converted into Places of Traffic, De-
bauchery and Immorality, to their very great Disturbance in
the Exercise of their Religion, and the Worship of God, And
1 The original record of session laws, Liber L. No. 5, having been lost, the text
of the Acts printed here is taken from Bacon's Laws of Maryland at Large,
published in 1765.
Chap. VI