L. H. J.
them You are pleas'd to Suffer their Private Inheritances
which they purchas'd from and hold under your Lordship,
together with your own Property to be incroacht upon and
taken from us by our Neighbours on Delaware without any
defence made for us by Your Lordship that we Can hear of,
and as your Lordships Boundaries are the Rule to us, we Can-
not Act in our own Defence therein, nor be Defended but in
Your Lordships Name and Right, and while we thus Suffer
in our Property under your Lordship our ancient Constitu-
tion and the Laws and Administration of Justice are En-
deavoured to be alter'd by Your Lordship, and these, we hope
Your Lordship will allow, may give us Sufficient Cause to
Speak and Act the part of Subjects to the British Crown In-
sisting on their British Laws and Liberties) No people can be
more Sincerely Attacht to the true and Real Interest of their
Chief Lord Proprty from whom they hold their Lands, nor
of the Hereditary Governour in Chief that presides over
them than we are, and as we give Your Lordship an Evincing
Instance of our Aversion to Mischievous Compliment or Flat-
tery by that honest Plainess with which we Now address
you, we hope Your Lordship will Confide in our Sincerity,
when we assure you as we now Sincerely do That we shall
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be Ready to use our utmost Endeavours to Support both
Your Lordships Just prerogatives and Property by all Proper
Measures in our power whenever we shall find it agreeable
to Your Lordships Pleasure that we should act therein, and
this we hope Your Lordship will Accept as an Evidence of
our Affection and Duty in Opposition to such Busie Whis-
perers as we are Satisfy'd Endeavour to Render their Mis-
representations Effectual to the Creating Doubts and Mis-
understandings betwixt Your Lordship and Your Tenants.
Nothing less than a firm Resolution in us of Asserting the
Truth with Freedom can be likely to prevail against the Dis-
turbers of our Mutuall Peace. May Your Lordships Pru-
dence Contribute to Render these our Endeavours Effectuall
to the Maintenance of the Real Honour and true Interest of
Your Lordship, and to the Common Good and Tranquility of
May it Please your Lordship
Your Lordships
humble and obedient Servants
and most truly affectionate Tenants