By the Upper House of Assembly Octr the 12th 1725
Read and referr'd to the Consideration of the Lower House
Sign'd p order Geo: Plater Cl: Up. Ho :
James Bowles Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker Sundry papers relating- to Mr Riders and Mr Nickolls
Claim to part of the Indians Lands &ca with the following
message viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly
October the 12th 1725
We herewith Send you Severall papers laid before us by his
Honour the Governour relating to Mr Riders and Nickoll's
Claim to part of the Indian Lands at Chicocoan upon Nanti-
coak and Choptanck Rivers and propose that a Comittee of
some Members of both Houses be appointed to Enquire into
that affair and make Report thereof.
Sign'd p order Geo: Plater Cl. Up: Ho :
Collo Greenfeild from the Comittee of Elections and priv-
iledges return the following report viz :
By the Comittee of Elections and priviledges
12th October 1725.
We of the Comittee having Examined the severall returns
made by the Severall Sheriffs of this province make the fol-
lowing Report thereon viz.
On Inspection into the Indentures return'd from St Maries
County we find Mr Samuell Williamson Collo Thos Trueman
Greenfeild Capt Justinian Jordan and Mr Thomas Waughop
are duely Elected according to Law
We also find James Harris Esqr Phillip Kennard, Simon
Willmer and Marmaduke Tilden Members returned to Serve
for Kent County are duely Elected according to Law
We also find Thomas Bordley Esqr John Beale Esqr Mr
Richard Warfeild and Mr Thomas Worthington members
returned for Annarundell County are duly Elected according
to Law