Whereon the follo Report is made, viz.
By the Comittee of aggrievances Octr the 11th 1725
On perusing the first, Second, third and fourth Articles
within mentioned We humbly offer them as fit to be con-
sidered, that Suitable Alterations may be made in the points
Complain'd of, And we think the fifth is of the same nature
with the second Article of the Grievances of Somerset County.
Sign'd p ordr Saml Hepbourn Cl. Come.
Thomas Bordley Esqr from the Comittee of aggrievances
Reports to the House Sundry aggrievances and other matters
given in to that Comittee from Somerset Cecill and other
Counties and that they are worthy the Consideration of the
House. Thereupon the same are referr'd for further Con-
The House adjourns till to morrow morning nine of the
Tuesday Octr 12th 1725
The House meets according to adjournment
Yesterdays proceedings are Read.
Collo Addison from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Petitions Viz.
The Petition of some of the people called Quakers on behalf
of the whole Setting forth that they are Disturb'd at West
River and Choptanck in their Worship by people setting up
Booths Selling Drink &c.
The Petition of the Inhabitants of Oxford praying that new
Com" and Clerk may be appointed for that Town.
The Petition of Orlando Griffith and Katherine his wife
praying Leave to bring in a Bill for the Cutting off the Intail
on a Tract of land called Howards Timber neck and for En-
tailing other Lands in Lieu thereof, And
The Petition of Francis Holland of Baltemore County Gent.
Setting forth that he and his Sureties lye under sundry hard-
ships by his Sheriffs bond being sued at the request of sundry
All which Petitions were Severally thus Endorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
October the 12th 1725
The within Petition being read is referr'd to the Considera-
tion of the Lower House.
Sign'd p order Geo. Plater, Cl. Up. Ho.