An Act Entituled An Act for the Relief and Release of poor
distressed prisoners for debt which were severally Sub-
scribed as follows viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Octr the 29th 1725
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
Sign'd p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which were read and Assented to by this House and
Ordered to be so subscribed
And the paper bills so Endorst were sent down by Coll
Ward who returns and says he deliver'd them.
A Message from the Lower House by Mr King and one
more with the Bill relating to Servants viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
October the 28th [29th] 1725.
May it please your Honours
Notwitshtanding your Message of this day by John Hall
Esqr we shall still persist in our Resolution of declineing all
unnecessary debates with you and shall Act both with respect
to you and as becomes the peoples Representatives; if by yor
Message of the 28th Instant you did not give us reason to