that altho' the Act before mentioned does not Exempt Serv-
ants Acquitted of Crimes from being Oblig'd to give Secu-
rity for their good behavr yet as it directs they shall be returned
to their Master without any Condition Exprest Obligeing them
to give such Security we may from thence reasonably Inferr
an intention in the Law of Excusing them unless in Extraor-
dinary Cases and Agreeable to this has been the practice of
the Magistrates who since the making of that Law very
Seldom require any such Securities and this we take to be a
prudent Indulgence to the property of the master which
ought not to be Invaded unless in Cases of necessity. As
to the Case of the two Servts if it be a favour to the Mas-
ters property or that they are afraid to Bail them no Doubt
but they will Consent their Servents Should be sold either
out of the Province or to such as will be Security for them
and this may be done without a Law to Oblige them; besides
we cannot think it reasonable to make a General Law for
remedying a particular Case and Invest the Magistrates
with An Arbitrary power of obligeing Masters to sell their
Servants or be Security for them upon every slender Surmise
of Misbehaviour; so long as those Servants persist in such
Obstinate mischievious resolucons (as you mention in your
Message) the place where they are is fittest for them and
whensoever they shall show any disposition to repentance
and amendment whereby the Magistrates may be induced to
release them sufficient provision is already made for the pay-
ment of their fees. For the reasons in this and our former
message we cannot Consent to pass the Bill.
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent by John Hall Esqr who returns and says he Delivered
the Message