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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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192 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 4, 1724.


Hemp and Flax in some Port or Town within this Province,
there being at the Time of making the said recited Act, several
Towns in every County within this Province: But forasmuch
as there are now but few Towns or Ports within this Prov-
ince, so that by the before recited Act, as it now stands, sundry
Inhabitants of several Counties, for want of Towns and
Ports, can have no Benefit thereof: To prevent which, and
that all Persons may reap the Benefit intended them by the
before recited Act,
II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietor, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
and the Authority of the same, That all Persons hereafter
tendering Hemp and Flax to their Creditors, at the Creditors
own Dwelling-Houses, or at the Dwelling-house of the Credi-
tor's Receiver, in case the Creditors do not reside in the same
County with their Debtors, shall have the same Benefit and
Advantage of the afore-recited Act, as if they had tendered
the same to their Creditors in some Port or Town within this
Province, according to the Directions of the afore-recited
Act; any thing in the said recited Act to the contrary thereof
in any wise notwithstanding.
III. Provided, That nothing in this Act shall affect the
Public or County Levy, or Forty per Poll due to the Clergy of
this Province; any thing in this or the before recited Act to
the contrary notwithstanding.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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