he shall be liable to the same Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures,
that Officers are liable to by the Laws in Force, for taking
more Fees than are allowed; any Usage or Custom to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
III. And be it further Enacted and Declared, That where
any Sheriff shall take any Goods in Execution for Officers
Fees, such Sheriff shall proceed in the same Manner as the
Act, entitled, An Act to restrain the ill Practice used by Sher-
iffs in taking Goods by Fieri facias, and selling them by Ven-
ditioni exponas, directs, in case of Goods taken by virtue of a
Fieri facias; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary not-
IV. And for that several Persons having Tobacco in the
Sheriffs Hands, and drawing Notes for the same, sundry
Sheriffs frequently refuse to pay or discount the Contents
of such Notes, without an Allowance of Ten per Cent, or some
other Allowance, as a Reward for paying or discounting their
own just Debts, to the great Prejudice of the Public Credit,
and of several private Persons; Be it therefore Enacted, That
the several Sheriffs within this Province, shall be obliged to
discount any Debts due from them, or any of them, to any of
the Inhabitants of this Province, out of any Public or County
Levies, Public Dues or Officers Fees, and to allow and discount
the Contents of any Note that shall be drawn, payable or
indorsed to any Person being indebted to the Sheriffs on any
of the Accounts already mentioned, so far as they shall owe
the Drawer of such Note, without any Deduction or Al-
lowance for such Discount, on Pain of forfeiting Two Thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco for every Offence, one Half thereof
to the Lord Proprietary, for the Use of Public Schools, where
the Offence shall be committed, the other Half to the Party
grieved, or other Person that will sue for the same; to be
recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information,
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be
V. Provided always, That the Sheriff shall not be obliged
to discount a Parcel so as to break an entire Hogshead, except
where the Parcel shall be due immediately from the Sheriff
to the Debtor; any thing in this Act to the contrary notwith-