past which was so Endorst. And thereupon the following
message is prepar'd Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Novr the 4th 1724.
May it please Your Honours
In order to Shorten the further Continuance of this Ses-
sions & to avoid any further Debates on the Bill for Reviving
the Act for Limitation of officers ffees &c We have Concluded
to strike out the last Paragraph thereof relating to Hemp and
Flax and have prepared a Supplementary Bill to the Act for en-
couraging the making of Hemp & flax herewith Sent instead
thereof and hope the same will pass in your House.
Sign'd p order M Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which was sent with the Bill therein menconed to the Upper
House by Capt Hooper & Mr Bozman.
They return and say they delivered them.
An Engrost Bill for Reviving the Act for Limitation of
officers ffees was read and assented to and was so Endorst and
Sent to the Upper House by Mr Beale & Capt Harrison. They
return & say they delivered it
Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker the Supplementary Bill to the Act for Encouraging
the making Hemp and flax thus Endorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr 4th 1724
Read and will pass.
Sign'd p ordr Samll Skippon Cl Up Ho.
Thereupon the same past for Engrosing.
Collo Tilghman from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following message viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 4th 1724.
We think we have Complied with our promise to you, and
our duty to our Country so farr as it relates to the differrences
between the people and the Sherriffs in passing the reviving
Bill for officers ffees, with the provisions therein made for that
purpose, But your reasons in your Message of October the 30th
by Mr Dashiel and Mr Young are not Sufficient to remove the
Inconveniencies we apprehend from a Popular Election of
Sheriffs for altho' the Charge & trouble of Electing Delegates