the Services done by the Severall officers, but they will be left
to their own discretion to Charge what they please which will
lay a foundation for endless disputes between them and the
people and produce innumerable Law Suits to the great preju-
dice of the people and much to the advantage of the officers
who will thereby increase their ffees. Besides Gentlemen,
we think that the price propos'd for Hemp & flax is Reason-
able considering the Great Scarcity of Tobacco, and the Great
price that in all Likelyhood it must bear this year, and there-
fore hope you will Consent to make the amendments proposd
in the Bill.
Sign'd p order Samll Skippon Cl Up Ho.
Ordered that Samuell Young Esqr Treasurer of the
Western Shoare pay to William Beckingham, John Lomas
Thos. Worsley Charles Boot fifteen Shillings Currt money
Each to Walter Dallas one pound two Shillings & Six pence
Curr* money for making Copies of the Act for relieving the
Inhabitants &c for the Publick Service and that he pay to
Samuel Hepburn and Philip Playfay Ten Shillings each for
Services done this Sessions, And to Thomas Bordley Esq.
Twelve Shillings and Six pence Currt Money for half a
Rheam of Paper for the use of the publick.
Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker the Journall of the Commissonrs appointed to view
the publick Records with the following Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr 3, 1724