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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 99

And that for the further Complyance with his Ldsps In-
structions Appeals be Allowed from the Judgment of the
Comrs of Review to England in such Cases & in Such Manner
as the Laws of Great Britaine and this Province Admit of.
Wee Likewise Observe that Greater Inconveniencies May
arise from that Paragraph in this Bill which provides for the
release of those Persons under Execution, for Costs awarded
by the Commrs of the first View, who upon their having a
Right to Appeal are to be Discharged from the Sherrifs Cus-
tody, and Cannot be taken again untill such Time as that Ap-
peal is Determined so that they may forever avoid paying
such Costs for tho' they have a right to appeale They are not
Oblidged to do it And besides we think it reasonable, that
before they are discharged they shall give Security for the
payment of such Cost and the Damages Occasioned by the
Delay if the first Judgment should be Affirm'd otherwise they
becoming Insolvent or Absenting themselves the party in
whose favour the Judgment was Given may loose this Cost
but we are of opinion that this paragraph might be wholy
omitted Provision being made to Impower Comrs of Appeale
to Adjudge all former Costs and Damages upon reversing
Such Judgment. For the reasons aforesaid and for the Dis-
patch of the Publick business we have together with the Bill
sent from yor House sent another Bill wch we have prepared
wch we are of oppinion sufficiently Provides in all the Cases
before recited. And propose to you either to Accept our Bill
or amend yor owne wch you shall think most Convenient.
Signed p Order. Joh Beale Cl: Upr Ho :

Whereupon the Bill afd being read was Ordrd a second
Reading To morrow

L. H. J.

John Hall Esqr from the Upper House Delivered Mr Speaker
the Supplementary Bill to the Act for the relief of Thomas
Manning Thus Indorst.

By the Upper house of Assembly, Oct the 25th 1720
Read the first Time and Will pass.
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cl. Upr Ho :

Which was read again and past for Engrossing.
An Engrost Bill for Granting unto Edward Smith of the
City of Annapolis Sawyer one hundred and twenty foot of
Ground in the same City to keep a Sawyers Yard and for

p. 45

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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