Encouragement of his Trade was read and Ordered to be
thus Endorst Viz:
Oct the 25th 1720.
Read & Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p Order Ml Jenifer Cl. Lo. ho :
And was Sent to the Uppr House by Mr Benson and Mr
Warfield. They return and Say they have Delivered it. The
House Adjourns till to Morrow morn nine a Clock.
Wednesday morning October the 26th 1720
The House meets According to Adjournment
Yesterdays Proceedings are Read. On Reading the Sup-
plementary Bill to the Land Law, The Question was put
whether the Clause in the Bill that Gives all person Libertie
to Appeal to the Commrs of review shall stand as it is or not
Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of votes.
The question was likewise put Whether that Paragraph that
gives the Commr or Comissrs the Choice of Election in Case
of Inability of the other Comrs shall stand as it is or not.
Carried in the Affirmative by the majority of Votes.
The Question was Likewise put Whether the Commrs of
Review shall be Appointed by the Governr only or by the Gov-
ernour & Councill. Carried by the Majoritie of Votes That
they be appointed by the Governour & Council.
And Ordered a Clause be Incerted According to yesterdays
Message thereon to releive psons now under Execution and
Ordered that the Committee of Laws Amend the Bill.
Collo Tilghman from the Upper House Delivered Mr
Speaker the Bill for Supplying the Defects in Robert Ander-
son's Will thus Endorst Viz :